Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Literary List

Here is the list so far.

The Ginger Man - Donleavy (Dave)
The Dharma Bums - Kerouac (NBorders)
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle - Murakami (Devlyn)
Pandora's Star - Hamilton (Ralph)
The World Without Us - Weisman (Whitney)
A History of The World in 10 1/2 Chapters - Barnes (Trask)
Let Me Finish - Angell (Pops)
A Confederacy of Dunces - Kennedy Toole (John Locke's Moron Cousin)
The Floating Opera - Barth (Lucas)

I'm going to Powell's next week. Feel free to make a suggestion of a book you've read in the last five years. I'll add it to my sparse library.


Anonymous said...

Echoing from below (I'm reading your posts from bottom to top)...

History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters, Julian Barnes.

Nice blog, by the way. You almost sound like you might have taken some writing classes or somesuch.

Enjoy the creamy onions, stinky cheese, and Jubelale.


Bruce said...

The key word is almost.

Thanks for reading and commenting. I hope you guys have a great holiday.

Lucas said...

I read Ginger Man a couple years ago, I think you'll dig it.

I always recommend anything by John Barth; his first novel The Floating Opera is a good place to start, then move on to his more ambitious works like Sot-Weed Factor and Giles Goat-Boy (probably still my favorite of his). I also very much like the little I've read by Philip Roth (Portnoy's Complaint is funny and touching). Anthony Burgess is one of my absolute favorites: try End of the World News or Nothing Like the Sun (or if you've never read it, his most famous work, A Clockwork Orange).

Good humor writers for me include Terry Pratchett, Christopher Moore and of course the late great Douglas Adams.

For sci fi (if you're into that), I've been interested lately in Roger Zelazny and William Gibson. Gibson in particular is a master of creating mood and character (a regrettably rare ability amongst science fiction writers), I recommend starting with Neuromancer.